
Early Stage Gold/Base Metal Prospect
Detour Trend Project, Quebec

  • The Doigt Property covers a roughly 5 x 5 kilometre block of volcanic and intrusive dominated stratigraphy located west of the northern end of the Martiniere Property and about 6 km northwest of Balmoral’s Bug Lake and Martiniere West gold discoveries. The Property is located in the “Casault” structural domain which is sandwiched between the Detour and Martiniere structural domains to the west and east respectively.
  • Doigt is the least explored portion of the Detour Trend Project with only two drill holes known on the Property, both completed by Balmoral in 2013.
  • Balmoral holds a 100%, royalty free interest in the entirety of the Doigt Property
  • No existing roads reach into the Doigt Property and thus access is by helicopter or float plane from Balmoral’s base of operations at Fenelon or Martiniere

Balmoral acquired the Doigt Property by staking in late 2011. Work to date has been primarily focused on understanding the geology and mineral potential of the Doigt Property.

Gold Potential

Mesothermal Gold Mineralization

Balmoral’s first two drill holes on the Doigt Property both intersected narrow intervals of anomalous, structurally controlled, gold mineralization confirming potential for mesothermal gold mineralization on the property. Given the distance of the Property from the regionally significant deformation corridors targeting would focus on secondary structural corridors, in particular where these intersected known lithological contacts.

Base Metal Potential

Volcanogenic Cu-Zn-Ag-Au Massive Sulphide Mineralization

To date no indication of significant base metal potential has been observed on the Doigt Property. A narrow zinc-copper bearing vein was intersected in one of the two holes drilled on the property but does not appear to have any significant lateral extent. Additional surface mapping may aid in further understanding the property and determining the potential for base metal mineralization.