
N2 Project


The northern part of the Abitibi greenstone belt, in which the N2 Gold Project lies, consists of east-southeast striking mafic volcanic, pelitic sedimentary, iron formation and mafic to felsic volcaniclastic rock units. Dikes and sills of mafic to felsic composition are common. Regional structure is dominated by several major east-west striking deformation zones, which are intimately associated with gold mineralization.

The geology of the N2 project, known principally from diamond drilling and geophysical studies due to extensive overburden cover, consists of interbedded clastic sedimentary rocks and mafic to felsic volcanic rocks that dip steeply to the south and strike roughly east-west. Lithological contacts are typically marked by zones of strong deformation, which is the focus of gold mineralization and associated alteration. There are also numerous altered and mineralized tectonic breccia zones in the volcanic rocks, commonly at or near the structural intersection of the contact-related deformation zones and northwest or northeast trending cross faults.

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